The Avaluator helps backcountry users make safer decisions in avalanche terrain. It’s designed to be used in two stages: planning the trip at home and making decisions on the trip. The first stage—the Trip Planner—guides the user in choosing an objective appropriate to the current conditions and the individual’s comfort level. The second stage is incorporated in a small, two-sided card. The Slope Evaluation card provides a structured approach for assessing avalanche slopes by incorporating easily collected critical information.
You can easily spend a lifetime developing your avalanche safety skills. The Avaluator will help you avoid the most obvious mistakes and start you on a path of learning and practising safe winter travel habits. The Avaluator is a required course material for students enrolled in Avalanche Skills Training 1 recreational avalanche courses.
This book is also available at Escape Route in Whistler BC and Valhalla Pure Outfitters in Squamish BC.
The French Avaluator are available directly from Avalanche Quebec:
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